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Writer's pictureAndy Walters

"People First" Language With Patients: A Small Change with a Big Impact

Language plays a crucial role in shaping our perceptions and attitudes, especially in healthcare settings where effective communication is essential for providing compassionate and patient-centered care. The concept of "people first" language emphasizes the importance of using words and phrases that prioritize the individual's identity over their condition or disability. It is an approach that puts the person at the forefront and recognizes their humanity before anything else.

In healthcare, using "people first" language is particularly important when interacting with patients. It shows respect, dignity, and empathy, reinforcing the idea that patients are more than their medical conditions or health challenges. By using language that places the person first, healthcare professionals acknowledge and validate the uniqueness of each individual, fostering a supportive and inclusive environment.

The impact of using "people first" language can be profound. It helps reduce stigmatization and avoids defining individuals solely by their health conditions, which can be empowering for patients. "People first" language also enhances patient-provider relationships, as it establishes a foundation of trust and mutual understanding. When patients feel seen, heard, and respected, they are more likely to engage in their care, adhere to treatment plans, and openly communicate their concerns and needs.

Furthermore, employing "people first" language aligns with the principles of patient-centered care, where the patient's values, preferences, and goals are at the center of decision-making. It promotes a holistic approach to healthcare that considers the whole person, not just their medical condition, leading to improved overall health outcomes and greater patient satisfaction.

What is "people first" language?

"People first" language is a respectful and inclusive way of referring to individuals with disabilities that prioritizes the person over their condition or disability. It emphasizes acknowledging the individual's humanity and identity before mentioning any aspect of their disability. For instance, instead of saying "the autistic child," "people first" language would use "the child with autism." By phrasing it this way, the focus is on the person, not solely on their disability, promoting dignity and individuality.

Why is it important to use "people first" language?

Using "people first" language is essential for several reasons. Firstly, it ensures that individuals with disabilities are seen and recognized as unique human beings first and foremost, rather than being defined solely by their disability. It empowers them to be seen beyond their challenges and embraced for their talents, capabilities, and contributions.

Secondly, "people first" language plays a critical role in breaking down stigmas and stereotypes associated with disabilities. By putting the person before their condition, it fosters a more inclusive and understanding society that values diversity and treats everyone with respect and empathy.

History of "People First" Language

The history of "people first" language can be traced back to the disability rights movement, which gained momentum in the late 20th century. The movement sought to challenge societal attitudes and policies that marginalized and devalued individuals with disabilities. "People first" language emerged as a key component of this movement, aiming to reshape the way society referred to and perceived people with disabilities.

Before the adoption of "people first" language, individuals with disabilities were often identified solely by their conditions or disabilities, using terms that emphasized their limitations rather than their individuality. This approach contributed to the stigmatization and dehumanization of people with disabilities.

The shift towards "people first" language was driven by the idea that language has a powerful influence on perceptions and attitudes. The disability rights movement advocated for language that acknowledged the personhood of individuals with disabilities, placing their identity before their disability. For example, instead of referring to someone as "a disabled person," the movement encouraged using "a person with a disability."

The adoption of "people first" language gained momentum in the 1980s and 1990s, as disability rights advocates, educators, and medical professionals recognized its potential to promote dignity, respect, and inclusion for individuals with disabilities. Today, "people first" language is widely recognized and embraced as an essential aspect of promoting disability rights, creating a more inclusive society, and acknowledging the inherent value and worth of every individual, regardless of their abilities or challenges.

Tips for using "people first" language

  • Prioritize the person - Put the individual's name or identity before mentioning their disability or condition.- Use respectful and inclusive language - Avoid using derogatory or stigmatizing terms to describe disabilities.

  • Emphasize the individual's abilities- Focus on the person's strengths, talents, and capabilities rather than solely on their challenges.

  • Avoid defining individuals by their disabilities- Instead of saying "a mentally ill person," use "a person with a mental illness."

  • Be sensitive to individual preferences - If someone prefers a specific language or terminology, honor their choice.

  • Educate others - Encourage those around you to adopt "people first" language and explain its importance in promoting inclusivity and respect.

  • Practice empathy and understanding- Be open-minded and compassionate when communicating with individuals with disabilities.

  • Challenge stereotypes- Refrain from using negative stereotypes and promote accurate, positive representations of people with disabilities.

  • Raise awareness - Advocate for the use of "people first" language in various settings to foster a more inclusive environment.

In conclusion, the use of People First language with patients may seem like a small change, but its impact can be significant. By prioritizing the individual over their medical condition or disability, we can foster a more respectful and empowering healthcare environment. This simple shift in language has the potential to improve patient-provider communication, increase patient satisfaction, and ultimately enhance patient outcomes. It is important for healthcare professionals to recognize the power of words and make a conscious effort to incorporate People First language into their practice. Let us strive towards a healthcare system that not only treats patients medically but also respects them as individuals with unique experiences and identities.

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